Kita (148)

Siuvinėtas WO2 laipsnis, karūna D.Britanija Nr.1

Kaina: 19,99 €
Trumpas aprašymas

Metalizuotais siūlais siuvinėta karūna raudoname fone. Dydis 5x4.5x05. Didžioji Britanija



Officer Crown Rank Badge for the Foot Guards of the British Army Household Division.


This Officer Crown Rank Hand Embroidered Foot Guards badge features a hand embroidered gold and scarlet crown in the centre and silver wire thread around the outside in looping design.


This badge is typically worn on the sleeve of a Foot Guards of the British Army Household Division uniform. Specialist badges are worn on the sleeve with insignia representing each branch or specialisation.

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